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Are You Up-to-Date with the North Carolina Secretary of State?

The Secretary of State is sending “Notice of Grounds” postcards to business owners who did not file an annual report in 2017. I am getting a lot of calls from clients with suddenly high blood pressure.

The Secretary of State has revamped the website and made it really easy to get back into compliance if you missed an annual report:

1. Click here to begin the process by typing in your business name.

2. Click on your company name link.

3. On the top row, click on the fifth icon from the left – "File an Annual Report/Amend an Annual Report"

4. Click on either “File Most Recent Annual Report” if you are missing 2017 only, or “File Annual Reports Due for 2016, 2017” (or however many you are missing).

If you need to change an address, an officer, director or manager, now is the time. Corporations pay $18; LLCs pay $200.

You can pay online, for an additional fee of $2, or you can print it out and mail it in.

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