What Are You Thankful For?

As an entrepreneur, I am thankful for:
My family. When I announced that I was leaving a secure law firm job (with benefits), every member of my family responded with: “How can I help?” My kids attend meetings and closings, work around evening phone calls with budding entrepreneurs, and love hearing about the fun businesses my clients own.
My clients and referral sources. Each one of you has honored me by trusting me to handle what is most important to you. Many of you have become dear friends, as well as clients. I am always in awe of your vision and what you accomplish.
Flexibility. I love being able to set my own schedule and take on pro-bono (free) matters that enhance our community.
My team. Those of you who have worked with me know I work hard to keep my overhead low and my fees affordable. Part of how I do this is by hiring excellent contractors who come in when I need help. Thanks to Gaynor and Rabia (administrative), Tom (financial), Wendy and Donna (real estate) and Bob (trademarks).
Previous Employers. I try to begin with the end in mind. In some ways, my purpose for attending law school (being able to understand the legal system to explain it to everyday people) seems a perfect launching pad for a law practice dedicated to serving micro and small business owners. However, I spent 20 years working for fairly large law firms first. I am thankful for my previous employers, who allowed me to gain the training and knowledge I have now.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!